Saturday, June 7, 2008

pressure transmitters...the EDDL way!

Pressure transmitters have evolved much in the several years.These transmitters specialise in areas such as DP Flow, Mass Flow, Safety Certified, and Diagnostics and have been recently talked about by Dale Perry, pressure product manager and Jonas Berge, senior PlantWeb consultant, Emerson Process Management.
They quote "The next frontier of making pressure transmitters easy to use was the display used to start-up, maintain, calibrate, and troubleshoot. Historically there was no display standardisation. The dilemma was that the pressure transmitter manufacturer could not dictate the system display or accessible transmitter functionality on a system"
EDDL has come a long way in the process of evolution. We can have a display which completes removes the complexity of a pressure transmitter, thus making it simple to use.

Both Dale and Jonas write "Before enhanced EDDL there was no graphics for quick visualisation of the pressure transmitter diagnostic status nor could you look at the current PV and tell what the pressure was two minutes ago. And if the device had multiple variables there would be multiple numbers to look at and do math and correlation in your head."

All this has now become easy with EDDL (Electronic device description language) standard IEC 61804. Finally Dale and Jonas write "EDDL is the key to interoperability in a digital plant architecture".....very true indeed.

You can find the complete article 'Pressure Transmitters: EDDL Equals Easy' on
very interesting and informative read....

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